Getting Started
We’re so glad you’re here! This is gonna be fun.
What is Meal DJ, and what can it do for you?
Meal DJ is the central hub for your family (or home, workplace, or other group) to decide, record, and display what you are eating today, tomorrow and in the near future.
- Note: Currently, the mobile app is the only way to view and edit your plan, but we are working on many, many more more ways to work with your plan and share it with others:
- desktop app (macOS app currently in closed beta)
- web app
- public web page & calendar feed (close to release)
- email digest and reminders
Meal DJ is your ultimate grocery shopping list. We are serious about making it the best shopping list out there.
What is Meal DJ not?
- Meal DJ is not intended to be a recipe box. (There are plenty of those out there already.)
- Meal DJ is not about counting calories. (Partly because we don’t believe in that, and partly because it is incredibly difficult to do properly.)
- Meal DJ is not affiliated with or beholden to any particular grocery store, food product, etc. and we do not collect data on your habits. You can rest assured that you are not the product here!
Quick Tips
- When you’re getting started, we recommend combining any mains and sides that you plan to eat together into a single “meal” and placing that onto your plan as a single unit.
- When creating meals, list the key ingredients so that we can help you shop for them.
- Some people like drag & drop, some people prefer tap-tap-tapping. We support both styles whenever possible.
- Throughout the app, look for context menus (the three dots on the right side of an object) to see what you can do.
- Planning and shopping are more fun together! Go to Settings > Members to invite your family and friends.
Finally, if you get stuck, find us on social media or head over to the Contact page and let us know. We’re here to help!
Next: Create an Account
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