
After the initial trial period, to continue using Meal DJ you must purchase a 3-month, 6-month or 1-year pass to continue using the system. Passes do not renew automatically, if you use the app after your pass has expired, you will be prompted to buy a new pass.

If you choose not to buy a new pass, you will not be able to make any further changes to your meal plan, but you can continue to access your data for a further 30 days, after which you will lose access to it until you buy a new pass. (If you do not access your data for 12 months, it may be deleted.)

Meal DJ is currently in soft launch, and during this time (December 2021 – December 2022), an active pass is not required to use the app. (In-app payments are live, but there is currently no difference between paid and free status.)

A typical family will pay just $25-40/year. If we help you make just one more meal at home vs. dining out or ordering delivery, we’ve earned our fee!